November 10, 2021
Digital Transformation: Opportunities for success in the USA
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Digital Transformation: Opportunities for success in the USA
With the rising labor costs in America, the digital transformation is now really in full swing. Dutch technology companies are successful in driving digitization in the Netherlands – can they achieve similar success in America? Interact with and gain information from companies that have in-depth experience with this; from government organizations that assist innovative foreign companies with soft landing programs; and from Dutch Chambers of Commerce that assist Dutch companies with networking and social integration.
Met de oplopende arbeidskosten in Amerika is de digitale transformatie nu echt in volle gang. Nederlandse technologiebedrijven zijn succesvol in het aandrijven van de digitalisering in Nederland – kunnen zij ook succes boeken in Amerika? Communiceer met en verkrijg informatie van bedrijven die hier veel ervaring in hebben, overheidsorganisaties die innovatieve buitenlandse bedrijven bijstaan met soft landing programma’s, en Nederlandse KvKs die Nederlandse bedrijven bijstaan met netwerken en sociale inburgering.
This event is part of the Crossroads Utrecht 2021 program, hosted by #StartupUtrecht .
The webinar takes place on Zoom on Wednesday November 10, 2021 at 16.00 CET Netherlands time (4pm in the Netherlands), which is 10am ET USA East Coast time.
Program: Brief presentations by panel members, followed by Q&A.
Advance registration required.
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